Knowing your numbers is powerful AF.

And if you don’t have a budget, you’re giving your power away.

Take my hand and let’s get cozy with your numbers.

Does the word “budget” make you want to crawl into a hole?

I know, right? Mind. Blown.

So let me ask you some questions…

>> Have you ever tried to organize your finances but didn’t know where to start?

>> Have you ever wanted to know your numbers but felt scared, overwhelmed and alone?

>> Do you KNOW that you have financial energy leaks all over the place, but don’t know how to plug them up?

>> Do you feel held back by debt and need a plan for moving forward and paying it off?

If your answer is a full body “YES” to any of those questions, then bestie…

You need a Financial Blueprint.

A Financial Blueprint session is an intimate 1:1 virtual call where we work together getting down to business to create your budget from scratch.

What’s included?

Experiencing a Financial Blueprint Session means you’ll walk away with:

  • A living, breathing, workable budget, so you’ll no longer wonder where all of your money is going. We’ll map out your income, savings, expenses and debt so you have a clear and complete picture.

  • An Expense Calendar that will tell you when all of your bills are due, so you don’t have to rely on your memory for that ‘ish

  • A Debt Repayment Plan so you know exactly which debt to focus on first, second, third, etc.

  • 7 days of email or IG DM support to ask questions and receive guidance after your session

What others are saying…

“Caitlin breaks down the process seamlessly”

If you are looking for a step by step guide AND the tools AND support in getting your budget together...this is the workshop for you. Caitlin breaks down the process so seamlessly that all you have to do is follow her lead and if there ARE any sticking points she walks you through it. This is the "cannot fail" system to get your budget in order, even if it's non-existent right now.

— Amber Cornwall

“I was never able to stick to a budget before”

Beautifully and simply designed! I have NEVER been able to stick to a budget before, but simply identifying it as a spending plan makes me feel so much less anxious about it! The support that comes with this purchase is outstanding!

— Jennifer Miller

Hey there, I’m Caitlin, your Budget BFF.

This may be tacky to say, but I love money.

Not in a greedy way.

More like… I love how money supports me and the life I want to live.

And I want that for you, too.

Let’s talk details…

I try to make this as easy a process as possible - because, I get it… this can feel stressful!

  • Once you purchase your Financial Blueprint Session, you will receive an email from me (usually within 24 hours) to book a time for us to get together virtually.

  • After booking your time slot, you will receive an email outlining everything you need to prepare and bring to the call (such as 1-3 months worth of bank statements, credit card statement, outstanding bills, etc.)

  • During your session, we will have 2 hours to create your budget, which includes a Google Expense Calendar (don’t worry, I’ll take care of all the details - I just need you to feed me the info!)

  • After your session, I will create your Debt Repayment Plan (if you need one) delivering that within 24 hours of your session, and you will have 7 days of either email or IG DM support to answer any questions and provide coaching on anything that comes up for you during that time.

I mean, can you imagine being clear on your numbers and operating from a place of knowing and ease rather than sticking your head in the sand and operating out of overwhelm?

If you’re ready to stop imagining and experience the reality of knowing your numbers, go ahead and book your Financial Blueprint today.

Honestly, you just can’t afford to ignore your numbers any more.

Have questions?! Great, I have answers… please reach out via email or Instagram DM!