3 Ways to Support Your Money Mindset

Money mindset. It's SUPER important, right??⁠

Yes, yes, it is. ⁠

BUT there's SO MUCH MORE to your finances than your mindset surrounding them.⁠

A positive mindset is great, but it can only take you so far. At some point you need more than mindset.

You can deconstruct your money story down to the bone, but what about the *actual* reality of your finances?⁠

If you're still not seeing positive changes in your financial circumstances after working on your mindset, and it's causing your attitude toward money to waiver, then maybe it's time to do something different and add a little something more to your mindset.⁠

Here are 3 ways to add a bit of structure to support that money mindset you’re working on:⁠

1. Look at your habits.⁠

Do your habits support the mindset that you want to cultivate? What habits are working for you? Which ones are holding you back? Now's the time to take a good, honest look.⁠

2. Create a system.⁠

Once you know what habits are working for you, and you're clear on which ones need to change, you can start to create a system to support and/or change those habits. A system can make or break good habits.⁠

3. Get outside support.⁠

Are you trying to figure this all out by yourself? Do you hide your money worries and woes from others because you're embarrassed? Bestie, it's ok to talk about it!⁠⁠

If you're ready to build better habits, create a system that works for you AND receive outside support, then The Simple Spending Plan might be the perfect solution for you.⁠

It not only helps you strengthen the habits that will move the dial on your personal finances, but it also provides you with a system that you don't have to build from scratch, while giving you the support you need to make it work for you. ⁠

You can find out more about the The Simply Spending Plan Budget System here.

Happy budgeting,


P.S. Have questions about the system? Email me!